North Carolina NC - USA - Deeply Discounted Drug and Alcohol Testing / Screening Services

North Carolina, NC Drug Alcohol Testing Services

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Drug Alcohol Testing and Employment Screening Information:

We Can Come to You • You Can Come to Us • Mobile Services • DOT

Complete Employee Screening Services

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    A brief evaluation is needed before we can give you a firm quote.
    The more information you can provide now on the form regarding your needs, the more we will have ready for you on contact. Our experts will contact you within the same day or within one (1) business day. In some cases, we might be able to email you the basic information and then set up a time to talk if needed.
    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

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    Company Name (if for Individual list None):*

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    Test Location(s) | City, State, & Zip Code:*

    Number of People to be Tested:*

    Explain Your Needs in the Box Below*. Consider including: What you need, if one time or ongoing, and if you want a quote for random, post-accident, pre-employment, background checks, physicals, driving record check, social security verification, sex offender search, patriot act search, etc.


    24/7/365 Alcohol Drug Testing & Employment Screening Services
    Complete Mobile / Onsite / Offsite / TPA Services
    Background Checks, Full Pre Employment, Employee, DOT, and Non-DOT Testing
    Random, Reasonable Suspicion and Post Accident Drug Alcohol Testing


    Important Note: We are not a directory or yellow pages service.

    North Carolina: Drug Alcohol Testing and Employment Screening Information:

    • Same-Day or One (1) Day Account Setup excluding weekends and holidays.

    Register Now, Test within Minutes!

    • Mobile Onsite and Offsite Drug Alcohol Testing Services
    • Drug Testing Confirmation with SAMHSA Certified Labs;
    • Certified MRO Services;
    • DOT Drug and Alcohol Screening;
    • Background Checks;
    • Social Security Validation;
    • Motor Vehicle Report (Driving Record);
    • Patriot Act Search (Terrorism Watch List);
    • Sex Offender Search;
    • People Search.
    • 24/7/365 North Carolina Call Center for All Drug Alcohol Testing Services (after sign up): Call toll free and talk with a trained representative fast day or night about your drug alcohol testing and screening needs anytime.
    • 24/7/365 Mobile/Onsite/TPA Alcohol and Drug Testing Services (after sign up): We can come to you or send your employees to locations of your choice. We can help with Pre Employment, Reasonable Suspicion, Post Accident, and Random alcohol and drug testing any time, day or night in North Carolina. Learn More
    • 24/7/365 Post Accident Drug and Alcohol Screening Services available in NC: Toll-free post accident hotline 24/7, One Standard Fee + mileage /no hidden fees, no matter how remote the drug alcohol test location.
    • Complete North Carolina Drug Alcohol Testing Coverage: Full Pre Employment and Employment Drug and Alcohol Testing Including: RandomReasonable SuspicionPost Accident / Post Crash drug and alcohol testing. We also cover government – courts – prisons – DOT, non DOT, athletes, schools plus select International locations, US Territories, and Military Bases. USA alcohol drug testing services coverage info here.
    • Alcohol Testing: We also offer advanced alcohol urine testing including an EtG alcohol test that allows a longer detection period.
    • North Carolina DOT Organizations: If you are DOT regulated, we have you covered with drug and alcohol testing programs designed just for you! We can administer and manage your DOT alcohol and drug testing / screening program for you or just assist. Learn more

    Learn More:

    Our Alcohol Drug Screening Facilities in North Carolina cover these areas:

    Our Alcohol Drug Screening Facilities in North Carolina.
    City Zip Codes Area Codes
    Aberdeen NC 28315 910
    Advance NC 27006 336
    Ahoskie NC 27910 252
    Alamance NC 27201 336
    Albemarle NC 28001, 28002 704, 980
    Albertson NC 28508 252
    Alexander NC 28701 828
    Alexis NC 28006 704
    Alliance NC 28509 252
    Almond NC 28702 828
    Altamahaw NC 27202 336
    Andrews NC 28901 828
    Angier NC 27501 919
    Ansonville NC 28007 704
    Apex NC 27502, 27523, 27539 919
    Arapahoe NC 28510 252
    Ararat NC 27007 336
    Arden NC 28704 828
    Ash NC 28420 910
    Asheboro NC 27203, 27204, 27205 336
    Asheville NC 28801, 28802, 28803, 28804, 28805, 28806, 28810, 28813, 28814, 28815, 28816 828
    Atkinson NC 28421 910
    Atlantic NC 28511 252
    Atlantic Beach NC 28512 252
    Aulander NC 27805 252
    Aurora NC 27806 252
    Autryville NC 28318 910
    Avon NC 27915 252
    Ayden NC 28513 252
    Aydlett NC 27916 252
    Badin NC 28009 704
    Bahama NC 27503 919
    Bailey NC 27807 252
    Bakersville NC 28705 828
    Balsam NC 28707 828
    Balsam Grove NC 28708 828
    Banner Elk NC 28604 828
    Barco NC 27917 252
    Barium Springs NC 28010 704
    Barnardsville NC 28709 828
    Barnesville NC 28319 910
    Bat Cave NC 28710 828
    Bath NC 27808 252
    Battleboro NC 27809 252
    Bayboro NC 28515 252
    Bear Creek NC 27207 919
    Beaufort NC 28516 252
    Belews Creek NC 27009 336
    Belhaven NC 27810 252
    Bellarthur NC 27811 252
    Belmont NC 28012 704
    Belvidere NC 27919 252
    Bennett NC 27208 336
    Benson NC 27504 919
    Bessemer City NC 28016 704
    Bethania NC 27010 336
    Bethel NC 27812 252, 336
    Beulaville NC 28518 910
    Biscoe NC 27209 910
    Black Creek NC 27813 252, 336
    Black Mountain NC 28711 828
    Bladenboro NC 28320 910
    Blanch NC 27212 336
    Blounts Creek NC 27814 252
    Blowing Rock NC 28605 828
    Boiling Springs NC 28017 704
    Bolivia NC 28422 910
    Bolton NC 28423 910
    Bonlee NC 27213 919
    Boomer NC 28606 336
    Boone NC 28607, 28608 828
    Boonville NC 27011 336
    Bostic NC 28018 828
    Brasstown NC 28902 828
    Brevard NC 28712 828
    Bridgeton NC 28519 252
    Broadway NC 27505 919
    Browns Summit NC 27214 336
    Brunswick NC 28424 910
    Bryson City NC 28713 828
    Buies Creek NC 27506 910
    Bullock NC 27507 919
    Bunn NC 27508 919
    Bunnlevel NC 28323 910
    Burgaw NC 28425 910
    Burlington NC 27215, 27216, 27217, 27220 336
    Burnsville NC 28714 828
    Butner NC 27509 919
    Buxton NC 27920 252
    Bynum NC 27228 910
    Calabash NC 28467 910
    Calypso NC 28325 919
    Camden NC 27921 252
    Cameron NC 28326 919
    Camp Lejeune NC 28542, 28547 910
    Candler NC 28715 828
    Candor NC 27229 910
    Canton NC 28716 828
    Caroleen NC 28019 704
    Carolina Beach NC 28428 910
    Carrboro NC 27510 919
    Carthage NC 28327 910
    Cary NC 27511, 27512, 27513, 27518, 27519 919
    Casar NC 28020 704
    Cashiers NC 28717 828
    Castalia NC 27816 252
    Castle Hayne NC 28429 910
    Catawba NC 28609 828
    Cedar Falls NC 27230 336
    Cedar Grove NC 27231 919
    Cedar Island NC 28520 252
    Cedar Mountain NC 28718 828
    Cerro Gordo NC 28430 910
    Chadbourn NC 28431 910
    Chapel Hill NC 27514, 27515, 27516, 27517, 27599 919
    Charlotte NC 28201, 28202, 28203, 28204, 28205, 28206, 28207, 28208, 28209, 28210, 28211, 28212, 28213, 28214, 28215, 28216, 28217, 28218, 28219, 28220, 28221, 28222, 28223, 28224, 28226, 28227, 28228, 28229, 28230, 28231, 28232, 28233, 28234, 28235, 28236, 28237, 28241, 28242, 28243, 28244, 28246, 28247, 28250, 28253, 28254, 28255, 28256, 28258, 28260, 28262, 28263, 28265, 28266, 28269, 28270, 28271, 28272, 28273, 28274, 28275, 28277, 28278, 28280, 28281, 28282, 28284, 28285, 28287, 28288, 28289, 28290, 28296, 28297, 28299 704, 980
    Cherokee NC 28719 828
    Cherry Point NC 28533 919
    Cherryville NC 28021 704
    Chimney Rock NC 28720 828
    China Grove NC 28023 704
    Chinquapin NC 28521 910
    Chocowinity NC 27817 252
    Claremont NC 28610 828
    Clarendon NC 28432 910
    Clarkton NC 28433 910
    Clayton NC 27520, 27527, 27528 919
    Clemmons NC 27012 336
    Cleveland NC 27013 704
    Cliffside NC 28024 704
    Climax NC 27233 336
    Clinton NC 28328, 28329 910
    Clyde NC 28721 828
    Coats NC 27521 910
    Cofield NC 27922 252
    Coinjock NC 27923 252
    Colerain NC 27924 252
    Colfax NC 27235 336
    Collettsville NC 28611 828
    Columbia NC 27925 252
    Columbus NC 28722 828
    Comfort NC 28522 910
    Como NC 27818 252
    Concord NC 28025, 28026, 28027 704, 980
    Conetoe NC 27819 252, 336
    Connellys Springs NC 28612 828
    Conover NC 28613 828
    Conway NC 27820 252
    Cooleemee NC 27014 336
    Corapeake NC 27926 252
    Cordova NC 28330 910
    Cornelius NC 28031 704
    Corolla NC 27927 252
    Council NC 28434 910
    Cove City NC 28523 252
    Cramerton NC 28032 704
    Creedmoor NC 27522, 27564 919
    Creston NC 28615 336
    Creswell NC 27928 252
    Crossnore NC 28616 828
    Crouse NC 28033 704
    Crumpler NC 28617 336
    Culberson NC 28903 828
    Cullowhee NC 28723 828
    Cumberland NC 28331 910
    Cumnock NC 27237 919
    Currie NC 28435 910
    Currituck NC 27929 252
    Dallas NC 28034 704
    Dana NC 28724 828
    Danbury NC 27016 336
    Davidson NC 28035, 28036 704
    Davis NC 28524 252
    Deep Gap NC 28618 828
    Deep Run NC 28525 252
    Delco NC 28436 910
    Denton NC 27239 336
    Denver NC 28037 704
    Dillsboro NC 28725 828
    Dobson NC 27017 336
    Dover NC 28526 252
    Drexel NC 28619 828
    Dublin NC 28332 910
    Dudley NC 28333 919
    Dunn NC 28334, 28335 910
    Durants Neck NC 27930 919
    Durham NC 27701, 27702, 27703, 27704, 27705, 27706, 27707, 27708, 27709, 27710, 27711, 27712, 27713, 27715, 27717, 27722 919
    Eagle Springs NC 27242 910
    Earl NC 28038 704
    East Bend NC 27018 336
    East Flat Rock NC 28726 828
    East Spencer NC 28039 704
    Eden NC 27288, 27289 336
    Edenton NC 27932 252
    Edneyville NC 28727 828
    Edward NC 27821 252, 336
    Efland NC 27243 919
    Elizabeth City NC 27906, 27907, 27909 252
    Elizabethtown NC 28337 910
    Elk Park NC 28622 828
    Elkin NC 28621 336
    Ellenboro NC 28040 828
    Ellerbe NC 28338 910
    Elm City NC 27822 252
    Elon NC 27244 336
    Emerald Isle NC 28594 252
    Enfield NC 27823 252
    Engelhard NC 27824 252
    Enka NC 28728 828
    Ennice NC 28623 336
    Ernul NC 28527 252
    Erwin NC 28339 910
    Ether NC 27247 336, 910
    Etowah NC 28729 828
    Eure NC 27935 252
    Everetts NC 27825 252, 336
    Evergreen NC 28438 910
    Fair Bluff NC 28439 910
    Fairfield NC 27826 252
    Fairmont NC 28340 910
    Fairview NC 28730 828
    Faison NC 28341 910
    Faith NC 28041 704
    Falcon NC 28342 910
    Falkland NC 27827 252, 336
    Fallston NC 28042 704
    Farmville NC 27828 252
    Fayetteville NC 28301, 28302, 28303, 28304, 28305, 28306, 28309, 28311, 28312, 28314 910
    Ferguson NC 28624 336
    Flat Rock NC 28731 828
    Fleetwood NC 28626 336
    Fletcher NC 28732 828
    Fontana Dam NC 28733 828
    Forest City NC 28043 828
    Fort Bragg NC 28307, 28310 910
    Fountain NC 27829 252
    Four Oaks NC 27524 919
    Franklin NC 28734, 28744 828
    Franklinton NC 27525 919
    Franklinville NC 27248 336
    Fremont NC 27830 919
    Frisco NC 27936 252
    Fuquay Varina NC 27526 919
    Garland NC 28441 910
    Garner NC 27529 919
    Garysburg NC 27831 252
    Gaston NC 27832 252
    Gastonia NC 28052, 28053, 28054, 28055, 28056 704, 980
    Gates NC 27937 252
    Gatesville NC 27938 252
    Germanton NC 27019 336
    Gerton NC 28735 828
    Gibson NC 28343 910
    Gibsonville NC 27249 336
    Glade Valley NC 28627 336
    Glen Alpine NC 28628 828
    Glendale Springs NC 28629 336
    Glenville NC 28736 828
    Glenwood NC 28737 704
    Gloucester NC 28528 252
    Godwin NC 28344 910
    Gold Hill NC 28071 704
    Goldsboro NC 27530, 27531, 27532, 27533, 27534 919
    Goldston NC 27252 919
    Graham NC 27253 336
    Grandy NC 27939 252
    Granite Falls NC 28630 828
    Granite Quarry NC 28072 704
    Grantsboro NC 28529 252
    Grassy Creek NC 28631 336
    Green Mountain NC 28740 828
    Greensboro NC 27395, 27401, 27402, 27403, 27404, 27405, 27406, 27407, 27408, 27409, 27410, 27411, 27412, 27413, 27415, 27416, 27417, 27419, 27420, 27425, 27427, 27429, 27435, 27438, 27455, 27480, 27495, 27497, 27498, 27499 336, 704
    Greenville NC 27833, 27834, 27835, 27836, 27858 252
    Grifton NC 28530 252
    Grimesland NC 27837 252
    Grover NC 28073 704
    Gulf NC 27256 336
    Halifax NC 27839 252
    Hallsboro NC 28442 910
    Hamilton NC 27840 252
    Hamlet NC 28345 910
    Hampstead NC 28443 910
    Hamptonville NC 27020 336
    Harbinger NC 27941 252
    Harkers Island NC 28531 252
    Harmony NC 28634 336, 704
    Harrells NC 28444 910
    Harrellsville NC 27942 252
    Harris NC 28074 828
    Harrisburg NC 28075 704
    Hassell NC 27841 252, 336
    Hatteras NC 27943 252
    Havelock NC 28532 252
    Haw River NC 27258 336
    Hayesville NC 28904 828
    Hays NC 28635 336
    Hazelwood NC 28738 828
    Henderson NC 27536, 27537 252
    Hendersonville NC 28739, 28791, 28792, 28793 828
    Henrico NC 27842 252
    Henrietta NC 28076 704
    Hertford NC 27944 252
    Hickory NC 28601, 28602, 28603 828
    Hiddenite NC 28636 336, 828
    High Point NC 27260, 27261, 27262, 27263, 27264, 27265 336
    High Shoals NC 28077 704
    Highfalls NC 27259 336, 910
    Highlands NC 28741 828
    Hildebran NC 28637 828
    Hillsborough NC 27278 919
    Hobbsville NC 27946 252
    Hobgood NC 27843 252
    Hobucken NC 28537 252
    Hoffman NC 28347 910
    Hollister NC 27844 252
    Holly Ridge NC 28445 910
    Holly Springs NC 27540 919
    Hookerton NC 28538 252
    Hope Mills NC 28348 910
    Horse Shoe NC 28742 828
    Hot Springs NC 28743 828
    Hubert NC 28539 910
    Hudson NC 28638 828
    Huntersville NC 28070, 28078 704
    Hurdle Mills NC 27541 336
    Icard NC 28666 828
    Indian Trail NC 28079 704
    Iron Station NC 28080 704
    Ivanhoe NC 28447 910
    Jackson NC 27845 252
    Jackson Springs NC 27281 910
    Jacksonville NC 28540, 28541, 28546 910
    Jamestown NC 27282 336
    Jamesville NC 27846 252
    Jarvisburg NC 27947 252
    Jefferson NC 28640 336
    Jonas Ridge NC 28641 828
    Jonesville NC 28642 336
    Julian NC 27283 336
    Kannapolis NC 28081, 28082, 28083 704
    Kelford NC 27847 252
    Kelly NC 28448 910
    Kenansville NC 28349 910
    Kenly NC 27542 919
    Kernersville NC 27284, 27285 336
    Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 252
    King NC 27021 336
    Kings Mountain NC 28086 704
    Kinston NC 28501, 28502, 28503, 28504 252
    Kipling NC 27543 336, 919
    Kittrell NC 27544 252
    Kitty Hawk NC 27949 252
    Knightdale NC 27545 919
    Knotts Island NC 27950 252
    Kure Beach NC 28449 910
    La Grange NC 28551 252
    Lake Junaluska NC 28745 828
    Lake Lure NC 28746 828
    Lake Toxaway NC 28747 828
    Lake Waccamaw NC 28450 910
    Lakeview NC 28350 910
    Landis NC 28088 704
    Lansing NC 28643 336
    Lattimore NC 28089 704
    Laurel Hill NC 28351 910
    Laurel Springs NC 28644 336
    Laurinburg NC 28352, 28353 910
    Lawndale NC 28090 704
    Lawsonville NC 27022 336
    Leasburg NC 27291 336
    Leicester NC 28748 828
    Leland NC 28451 910
    Lemon Springs NC 28355 919
    Lenoir NC 28633, 28645 828
    Lewiston Woodville NC 27849 252
    Lewisville NC 27023 336
    Lexington NC 27292, 27293, 27294, 27295 336
    Liberty NC 27298 336
    Lilesville NC 28091 704
    Lillington NC 27546 910
    Lincolnton NC 28092, 28093 704, 980
    Linden NC 28356 910
    Linville NC 28646 828
    Linville Falls NC 28647 336, 704
    Linwood NC 27299 336
    Little Switzerland NC 28749 828
    Littleton NC 27850 252
    Locust NC 28097 704
    Longwood NC 28452 910
    Louisburg NC 27549 919
    Lowell NC 28098 704
    Lowgap NC 27024 336
    Lowland NC 28552 252
    Lucama NC 27851 252
    Lumber Bridge NC 28357 910
    Lumberton NC 28358, 28359, 28360 910
    Lynn NC 28750 828
    Macclesfield NC 27852 252
    Macon NC 27551 252
    Madison NC 27025 336
    Maggie Valley NC 28751 828
    Magnolia NC 28453 910
    Maiden NC 28650 828
    Mamers NC 27552 910
    Manns Harbor NC 27953 252
    Manson NC 27553 252
    Manteo NC 27954 252
    Maple NC 27956 252
    Maple Hill NC 28454 910
    Marble NC 28905 828
    Margarettsville NC 27853 252
    Marietta NC 28362 910
    Marion NC 28752 828
    Mars Hill NC 28754 828
    Marshall NC 28753 828
    Marshallberg NC 28553 252
    Marshville NC 28103 704
    Marston NC 28363 910
    Matthews NC 28104, 28105, 28106 704
    Maury NC 28554 252
    Maxton NC 28364 910
    Mayodan NC 27027 336
    Maysville NC 28555 910
    Mc Adenville NC 28101 704
    Mc Farlan NC 28102 704
    Mc Grady NC 28649 336
    Mc Leansville NC 27301 336
    Mccutcheon Field NC 28545 910
    Mebane NC 27302 919
    Merritt NC 28556 252
    Merry Hill NC 27957 252
    Micaville NC 28755 828
    Micro NC 27555 336, 919
    Middleburg NC 27556 252, 336
    Middlesex NC 27557 252
    Midland NC 28107 704
    Midway Park NC 28544 910
    Mill Spring NC 28756 828
    Millers Creek NC 28651 336
    Mills River NC 28759 828
    Milton NC 27305 336
    Mineral Springs NC 28108 704
    Minneapolis NC 28652 336, 828
    Misenheimer NC 28109 704
    Mocksville NC 27028 336
    Moncure NC 27559 336, 919
    Monroe NC 28110, 28111, 28112 704, 980
    Montezuma NC 28653 828
    Montreat NC 28757 828
    Mooresboro NC 28114 704, 828
    Mooresville NC 28115, 28117 704
    Moravian Falls NC 28654 336
    Morehead City NC 28557 252
    Morganton NC 28655, 28680 828
    Morrisville NC 27560 919
    Morven NC 28119 704
    Mount Airy NC 27030 336
    Mount Gilead NC 27306 910
    Mount Holly NC 28120 704
    Mount Mourne NC 28123 704
    Mount Olive NC 28365 919
    Mount Pleasant NC 28124 704
    Mount Ulla NC 28125 704
    Mountain Home NC 28758 828
    Moyock NC 27958 252
    Murfreesboro NC 27855 252
    Murphy NC 28906 828
    Nags Head NC 27959 252
    Nakina NC 28455 910
    Naples NC 28760 828
    Nashville NC 27856 252
    Nebo NC 28761 828
    New Bern NC 28560, 28561, 28562, 28563, 28564 252
    New Hill NC 27562 919
    New London NC 28127 336, 704
    Newell NC 28126 704
    Newland NC 28657 828
    Newport NC 28570 252
    Newton NC 28658 828
    Newton Grove NC 28366 910
    Norlina NC 27563 252
    Norman NC 28367 910
    North Wilkesboro NC 28656, 28659, 28674 336
    Norwood NC 28128 704
    Oak City NC 27857 252
    Oak Island NC 28465 910
    Oak Ridge NC 27310 336
    Oakboro NC 28129 704
    Ocean Isle Beach NC 28469 910
    Ocracoke NC 27960 252
    Old Fort NC 28762 828
    Olin NC 28660 704
    Olivia NC 28368 919
    Oriental NC 28571 252
    Orrum NC 28369 910
    Otto NC 28763 828
    Oxford NC 27565 919
    Pantego NC 27860 252
    Parkton NC 28371 910
    Parmele NC 27861 919
    Patterson NC 28661 336, 828
    Paw Creek NC 28130 704
    Peachland NC 28133 704
    Pelham NC 27311 336
    Pembroke NC 28372 910
    Pendleton NC 27862 252
    Penland NC 28765 828
    Penrose NC 28766 828
    Pfafftown NC 27040 336
    Pikeville NC 27863 919
    Pilot Mountain NC 27041 336
    Pine Hall NC 27042 336
    Pine Level NC 27568 336, 919
    Pinebluff NC 28373 910
    Pinehurst NC 28370, 28374 910
    Pineola NC 28662 828
    Pinetops NC 27864 252
    Pinetown NC 27865 252
    Pineville NC 28134 704
    Piney Creek NC 28663 336
    Pink Hill NC 28572 252
    Pinnacle NC 27043 336
    Pisgah Forest NC 28768 828
    Pittsboro NC 27312 919
    Pleasant Garden NC 27313 336
    Pleasant Hill NC 27866 252
    Plumtree NC 28664 336, 828
    Plymouth NC 27962 252
    Point Harbor NC 27964 252
    Polkton NC 28135 704
    Polkville NC 28136 704
    Pollocksville NC 28573 252
    Pope A F B NC 28308 910
    Poplar Branch NC 27965 252
    Potecasi NC 27867 252, 336
    Powells Point NC 27966 252
    Powellsville NC 27967 252, 336
    Princeton NC 27569 919
    Proctorville NC 28375 910
    Prospect Hill NC 27314 336
    Providence NC 27315 336
    Purlear NC 28665 336
    Raeford NC 28376 910
    Raleigh NC 27601, 27602, 27603, 27604, 27605, 27606, 27607, 27608, 27609, 27610, 27611, 27612, 27613, 27614, 27615, 27616, 27617, 27619, 27620, 27621, 27622, 27623, 27624, 27625, 27626, 27627, 27628, 27629, 27634, 27635, 27636, 27640, 27650, 27656, 27658, 27661, 27668, 27675, 27676, 27690, 27695, 27697, 27698, 27699 919
    Ramseur NC 27316 336
    Randleman NC 27317 336
    Red Oak NC 27868 252
    Red Springs NC 28377 910
    Reidsville NC 27320, 27321, 27322, 27323 336
    Research Triangle Park NC 919
    Rex NC 28378 910
    Rhodhiss NC 28667 336, 828
    Rich Square NC 27869 252
    Richfield NC 28137 704
    Richlands NC 28574 910
    Ridgecrest NC 28770 828
    Ridgeway NC 27570 336, 919
    Riegelwood NC 28456 910
    Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 252
    Roaring Gap NC 28668 336
    Roaring River NC 28669 336
    Robbins NC 27325 910
    Robbinsville NC 28771 828
    Robersonville NC 27871 252
    Rockingham NC 28379, 28380 910
    Rockwell NC 28138 704
    Rocky Mount NC 27801, 27802, 27803, 27804, 27815 252
    Rocky Point NC 28457 910
    Rodanthe NC 27968 252
    Roduco NC 27969 252
    Rolesville NC 27571 919
    Ronda NC 28670 336
    Roper NC 27970 252
    Rose Hill NC 28458 910
    Roseboro NC 28382 910
    Rosman NC 28772 828
    Rougemont NC 27572 919
    Rowland NC 28383 910
    Roxboro NC 27573, 27574 336
    Roxobel NC 27872 252
    Ruffin NC 27326 336
    Rural Hall NC 27045, 27094, 27098, 27099 336
    Rutherford College NC 28671 828
    Rutherfordton NC 28139 828
    Saint Pauls NC 28384 910
    Salemburg NC 28385 910
    Salisbury NC 28144, 28145, 28146, 28147 704, 980
    Salter Path NC 28575 252
    Saluda NC 28773 828
    Salvo NC 27972 919
    Sandy Ridge NC 27046 336
    Sanford NC 27330, 27331, 27332 919
    Sapphire NC 28774 828
    Saratoga NC 27873 252, 336
    Saxapahaw NC 27340 336
    Scaly Mountain NC 28775 828
    Scotland Neck NC 27874 252
    Scotts NC 28699 704
    Scottville NC 28672 336
    Scranton NC 27875 252, 336
    Seaboard NC 27876 252
    Seagrove NC 27341 336
    Sealevel NC 28577 252
    Sedalia NC 27342 336
    Selma NC 27576 919
    Semora NC 27343 336
    Seven Springs NC 28578 252
    Severn NC 27877 252
    Shallotte NC 28459, 28470 910
    Shannon NC 28386 910
    Sharpsburg NC 27878 252
    Shawboro NC 27973 252
    Shelby NC 28150, 28151, 28152 704
    Sherrills Ford NC 28673 828
    Shiloh NC 27974 252
    Siler City NC 27344 919
    Siloam NC 27047 336
    Simpson NC 27879 252
    Sims NC 27880 252, 336
    Skyland NC 28776 828
    Smithfield NC 27577 919
    Smyrna NC 28579 252
    Sneads Ferry NC 28460 910
    Snow Camp NC 27349 336
    Snow Hill NC 28580 252
    Sophia NC 27350 336
    South Mills NC 27976 252
    Southern Pines NC 28387, 28388 910
    Southmont NC 27351 336
    Southport NC 28461 910
    Sparta NC 28675 336
    Speed NC 27881 252, 336
    Spencer NC 28159 704
    Spindale NC 28160 828
    Spring Hope NC 27882 252
    Spring Lake NC 28390 910
    Spruce Pine NC 28777 828
    Stacy NC 28581 252
    Staley NC 27355 336
    Stanfield NC 28163 704
    Stanley NC 28164 704
    Stantonsburg NC 27883 252
    Star NC 27356 910
    State Road NC 28676 336
    Statesville NC 28625, 28677, 28687 704
    Stedman NC 28391 910
    Stella NC 28582 910
    Stem NC 27581 919
    Stokes NC 27884 252, 336
    Stokesdale NC 27357 336
    Stoneville NC 27048 336
    Stonewall NC 28583 252
    Stony Point NC 28678 704
    Stovall NC 27582 919
    Stumpy Point NC 27978 252
    Sugar Grove NC 28679 828
    Summerfield NC 27358 336
    Sunbury NC 27979 252
    Sunset Beach NC 28468 910
    Supply NC 28462 910
    Swannanoa NC 28778 828
    Swanquarter NC 27885 252
    Swansboro NC 28584 252, 910
    Swepsonville NC 27359 336
    Sylva NC 28779 828
    Tabor City NC 28463 910
    Tar Heel NC 28392 910
    Tarawa Terrace NC 28543 910
    Tarboro NC 27886 252
    Taylorsville NC 28681 828
    Teachey NC 28464 910
    Terrell NC 28682 828
    Thomasville NC 27360, 27361 336
    Thurmond NC 28683 336
    Tillery NC 27887 252, 336
    Timberlake NC 27583 336
    Toast NC 27049 336
    Tobaccoville NC 27050 336
    Todd NC 28684 336
    Topton NC 28781 828
    Townsville NC 27584 336, 919
    Traphill NC 28685 336
    Trenton NC 28585 252
    Trinity NC 27370 336
    Troutman NC 28166 704
    Troy NC 27371 910
    Tryon NC 28782 828
    Tuckasegee NC 28783 828
    Turkey NC 28393 910
    Turnersburg NC 28688 336, 704
    Tuxedo NC 28784 704
    Tyner NC 27980 252
    Union Grove NC 28689 704
    Union Mills NC 28167 828
    Valdese NC 28690 828
    Vale NC 28168 704
    Valle Crucis NC 28691 704
    Vanceboro NC 28586 252
    Vandemere NC 28587 252
    Vass NC 28394 910
    Vaughan NC 27586 252
    Vilas NC 28692 828
    Waco NC 28169 704
    Wade NC 28395 910
    Wadesboro NC 28170 704
    Wagram NC 28396 910
    Wake Forest NC 27587, 27588 919
    Walkertown NC 27051 336
    Wallace NC 28466 910
    Wallburg NC 27373 336
    Walnut Cove NC 27052 336
    Walstonburg NC 27888 252, 336
    Wanchese NC 27981 252
    Warne NC 28909 828
    Warrensville NC 28693 336
    Warrenton NC 27589 252
    Warsaw NC 28398 910
    Washington NC 27889 252
    Waves NC 27982 919
    Waxhaw NC 28173 704
    Waynesville NC 28785, 28786 828
    Weaverville NC 28787 828
    Webster NC 28788 828
    Welcome NC 27374 336
    Weldon NC 27890 252
    Wendell NC 27591 919
    Wentworth NC 27375 336
    West End NC 27376 910
    West Jefferson NC 28694 336
    Westfield NC 27053 336
    Whitakers NC 27891 252
    White Oak NC 28399 910
    White Plains NC 27031 336
    Whiteville NC 28472 910
    Whitsett NC 27377 336
    Whittier NC 28789 828
    Wilkesboro NC 28697 336
    Willard NC 28478 910
    Williamston NC 27892 252
    Williston NC 28589 252
    Willow Spring NC 27592 919
    Wilmington NC 28401, 28402, 28403, 28404, 28405, 28406, 28407, 28408, 28409, 28410, 28411, 28412 910
    Wilson NC 27893, 27894, 27895, 27896 252, 919
    Wilsons Mills NC 27593 336, 919
    Windsor NC 27983 252
    Winfall NC 27985 252, 336
    Wingate NC 28174 704
    Winnabow NC 28479 910
    Winston Salem NC 27101, 27102, 27103, 27104, 27105, 27106, 27107, 27108, 27109, 27110, 27111, 27113, 27114, 27115, 27116, 27117, 27120, 27127, 27130, 27150, 27151, 27152, 27155, 27156, 27157, 27198, 27199 336
    Winterville NC 28590 252
    Winton NC 27986 252
    Wise NC 27594 252, 336
    Woodland NC 27897 252
    Woodleaf NC 27054 336
    Wrightsville Beach NC 28480 910
    Yadkinville NC 27055 336
    Yanceyville NC 27379 336
    Youngsville NC 27596 919
    Zebulon NC 27597 919
    Zionville NC 28698 828
    Zirconia NC 28790 828

    Drug, Alcohol and Nicotine Testing and Screening Kits

    We sell high quality yet deeply discounted drug alcohol testing and screening kits in North Carolina NC. Shopping is fast, easy, safe, secure, and affordable! We ship our low-cost drug and alcohol employment drug screening kits to all points across North Carolina NC fast, usually within 24 hours.

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    North Carolina State drug alcohol testing and screening coverage area.
    North Carolina drug and alcohol testing coverage emblem

    North Carolina Drug Alcohol Testing Services and Kits are Our Specialty

    Learn how to cut costs with your alcohol and drug testing program in North Carolina. Please visit our Drug Testing Resource Center. You will find the most complete resources for North Carolina Employee Drug Testing including: official documents, work place drug testing information, forms, work accident info, charts, videos, post-accident drug testing info, training materials, contact lists, definitions and more!

    We also work with all highly certified labs including Quest Diagnostic Laboratories a.k.a Quest Diagnostic Labs, Quest Labs and Quest Laboratories, Medtox aka Med Tox, Advanced Toxicology Network (ATN), Clinical Reference Laboratory (CRL), as well as other local and national medical centers, Third Party Administrators TPAs, physicians and doctors, toxicology centers, clinics, medical centers, facilities, and laboratories of all kinds.

    Employee Drug Testing Ace is your Trusted, Proven and Secure resource for all your North Carolina Employment Drug and Alcohol Testing needs.