Cheat Protection Chart

Cheat Protection Chart


Cheat Protection Level 1

Tamper Proof Test: Zero contact with employee saliva or breath, make our alcohol and saliva drug tests tamper proof.

Cheat Protection Level 2

Built in Temperature Strip: Drug test temperature strips quickly determine whether an employee drug test specimen is from the actual donor.

Cheat Protection Level 3-6

Adulteration: Our Drug Testing Kits with Cheat Protection 3 or 6 screen for either 3 or all 6 of the below listed adulterants. For your convenience each corresponding product page displays abbreviations of adulteration tested for in the section “Drug Test Detects”.

  • Creatinine (CR or CRE): A waste product of creatinine; an amino-acid contained in muscle tissue and found in urine. Normal urine creatinine levels are from 20 to 350mg/dl. The absence of creatinine (> 5 mg/dl) is indicative of a urine specimen that is not normal for humans, indicating that excessive amounts of water or diuretics such as herbal tea have been used to try and flush the system.
  • Nitrites (NT or NIT): Positive results for nitrite usually indicate the presence of commonly used commercial adulterants such as Klear or Whizzies. They work by oxidizing the major cannabinoid metabolite THC-COOH.2. Normal urine should contain no trace of nitrite. Positive results generally indicate the presence of an adulterant, although levels up to 3.6 mg/dl may be due to urinary tract infections, bacterial contamination or improper storage.
  • Glutaraldehyde Aldehydes (GT or GLUT or GLT) are not normally found in a urine specimen. Adulterants such as UrinAid and Clear Choice contain glutaraldehyde which may cause false negative screening results by disrupting the enzyme used in some immunoassay tests. The presence of aldehyde in a specimen is generally an indicator of adulteration.
  • Potential of Hydrogen (PH or pH): Normal pH levels should be in the range of 4.0 to 9.0. These are drug tests for the presence of alkaline or acidic adulterants, such as vinegar, in the urine.
  • Specific Gravity (SG): The normal range is from 1.003 to 1.030. Any values outside of this range could be the result of specimen dilution or adulteration.
  • Oxidants and Pyridinium Chlorochromate (OX or PCC): Oxidizing agents such as bleach and hydrogen peroxide in the urine are generally indications of adulteration. Pyridinium chlorochromate (sold under the brand name UrineLuck) is a commonly used adulterant. The presence of high levels of antioxidants in the urine, such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C), may result in a false negative drug test result.