Opiates - OPI

Opiates OPI


Screening Cut-off: 2,000 ng/ml
DEA Drug Class: Narcotic
Type: Drug depended; either Illicit Drug or Prescription Drug
Trade Names: Acetaminophen, Actiq, Bitartrate, Diacetylmorphine, Codeine, Diamorphine, Dilaudid, Dolophine, Duragesic, Eth-Oxydose, Empirin, Fentanyl, Fioricet w/Codeine, Fiorinal, Guaifenesin w/Codeine, Heroin, Hycodan, Hydrocodone, Hydro-Morphone, Laudanum, Lortab, Lorcet, Opium, Oxycontin, Oxyir, Oxycontin, Oxyfast, Paregoric, Percolone, Prometorhazine w/Codeine, Robitussin A-C, Roxanol, Roxicodone, Roxicodone Intensol, Sublimaze, Morphine, Opium, Oxycodone, Tussionex, Tylenol 3, Vicodin, Vicoprofen
Street Names: Black Tar, Captain, Chiva, Cody, Doors & Fours, Horse, Killer, Loads, Negra  Oxy, O.C., Pancakes & Syrup, Shit, Skag, Skunk, Smack, Schoolboy, Tango And Cash, Tar, Thunder, Tnt, Toxy, Toys, Vike, Watson-387, White Horse, White Stuff, Zero A-Bomb

Drug Information

Opiate (OPI) refers to any drug that is derived from the opium poppy, including the natural products, morphine and codeine, and the semi-synthetic drugs such as heroin.  Opioid is more general, referring to any drug that acts on the opioid receptor. Opioid analgesics comprise a large group of substances that control pain by depressing the central nervous system. Large doses of morphine can produce higher tolerance levels, physiological dependency in users, and may lead to substance abuse. Morphine is excreted unmetabolized, and is also the major metabolic product of codeine and heroin. Morphine is detectable in the urine for several days after an opiate dose.

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Drug Classification and Effects Information

  • Classification/Schedule I or 2: Drug Depended; I = Illicit drugs with no medical use; high potential for abuse; or II = Prescription drugs with high potential for abuse and physical dependency
  • Physical Dependency: High
  • Psychological Dependency: High
  • Tolerance: Yes
  • Possible Effects: Euphoria, drowsiness, respiratory depression, constricted pupils, nausea
  • Effects of Overdose: Slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, possible death
  • Withdrawal Syndrome: Watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, loss of appetite, irritability, tremors, panic, cramps, nausea, chills and sweating



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