Drug Alcohol Testing: Straight Talk Article

Straight Talk on Drug Alcohol Testing


The necessity for company drug and alcohol testing is now a reality – according to SAMHSA, 66% of all drug users are employed1. But drug alcohol testing is also crucial in school and home environments.

Whether used to screen chronic drug users or identify employees needing treatment, drug alcohol testing in the workplace is a proven deterrent. Drug alcohol testing saves thousands of dollars per year in lower health care costs, less absenteeism, reduced accidents, fatalities and crime and higher productivity.

School drug and alcohol testing prevents substance abuse, resulting in higher achievement. Home drug alcohol testing allows concerned parents to identify drug or alcohol use before the health and safety of their children is compromised.

Drug alcohol testing can be done for single substances or up to 13 panels. In all situations, the key is a well-communicated drug alcohol testing policy and accurate, easy-to-administer drug alcohol testing kits. We offer reliable, cost-effective drug and alcohol testing services and supplies for all environments as well as SAMHSA, DOT-Approved and CLIA-Waived drug alcohol tests.

Let’s be honest. Drug and alcohol testing is not just about the bottom line – it’s about human lives. Don’t just talk the talk. Implement a drug and alcohol testing program today and discover the proven benefits.

1 Drug Alcohol Testing SAMHSA Results 2009

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